Rubber Compounding Solutions

Custom Rubber Compounds: Tailored Rubber Compounding Solutions for Your Needs

At Dolfin Rubbers Limited we specialize in manufacturing custom rubber compounds by blending various rubber types, including PBR, SBR, Chlorobutyl, EPDM, Butyl, Natural Rubber, and more. Our expert team of chemists and engineers work closely with customers to understand their specific requirements and develop tailor-made rubber compounds that meet their unique application needs. With a strong focus on research and development (R&D), we offer comprehensive R&D services to provide innovative solutions and ensure that our customers stay ahead in their industries.

  • Extensive Range of Rubber Types: We have access to an extensive range of rubber types, each possessing unique characteristics suitable for various applications. From the excellent abrasion resistance of SBR to the gas impermeability of Butyl and the ozone resistance of EPDM, our team will help you choose the right combination of rubber types to achieve the desired performance and properties for your products.
  • Custom Formulations for Specific Applications: Our expertise lies in formulating custom rubber compounds that are tailored to your specific application requirements. Whether you need compounds with high tensile strength, excellent compression set resistance, or outstanding heat and chemical resistance, we can create a solution that perfectly matches your needs
  • Collaborative R&D Approach: We believe in building strong partnerships with our customers. Our collaborative R&D approach involves close communication and cooperation with your team to fully comprehend the challenges and goals of your project. This ensures that the developed rubber compounds are precisely optimized for your application and industry.
  • Cutting-edge R&D Facilities: Our state-of-the-art R&D facilities are equipped with advanced testing and analysis equipment. This enables our team to conduct thorough research and experimentation to refine and improve rubber compound formulations continuously. We take pride in staying at the forefront of technological advancements, allowing us to offer the most innovative solutions to our customers.
  • Quality Assurance: Quality is our utmost priority, and we maintain strict quality control measures throughout the development process. Our rubber compounds undergo rigorous testing to meet international standards and ensure consistent performance, durability, and reliability.
  • Competitive Advantage: By partnering with us for custom rubber compounds and R&D services, you gain a competitive advantage in your industry. Our ability to create cutting-edge formulations and adapt to evolving market demands empowers you to stay ahead of your competitors and deliver high-quality products to your customers.

Rubber Compounding

Dolfin’s State of art R&D facility can provide compound development services along with masterbatch or final batch compounds in desired properties as per customer’s requirement.

The cutting-edge compounding technology of intermeshing intermixers leads to significantly superior mixing of compounds when compared to conventional kneader technology and open mills, which are commonly found in most Indian Rubber Companies' in-house facilities. This advanced mixing process ensures a much higher level of homogeneity in the final compound, resulting in improved product quality and performance.

The production process is completely computerized and automated, which includes precise chemical weighing by Mettler Toledo to maintain consistent compound properties within and between batches. Material handling is also highly automated, with a significant portion of raw materials transferred to hoppers upon delivery. These materials are then weighed and sent directly to the Intermixer, where Plc controller ensures accurate mixing based on temperature, pressure or energy input which can be prefixed as per customer’s requirement. For other raw materials, like rubber, weighing takes place at the mixer. Dump Mixing Mills are equipped with stock blenders as a standard feature, enabling efficient blending for uniform compounding. Additionally, a Batch Off system ensures online cooling and maturation of the final product. This advanced automation and technology guarantee high-quality and consistent results throughout the production process.

The significance of Master Batch and Final Batch in rubber compounding lies in their essential roles in achieving precise and consistent product formulations.

  • Master Batch: The Master Batch serves as a concentrated blend of various raw materials and additives in specific proportions. Its purpose is to create a standardized and homogenous mixture that simplifies the compounding process. By using a Master Batch, manufacturers can ensure precise and accurate dosing of ingredients during the production of rubber compounds. This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of errors, leading to consistent quality in the final product.
  • Final Batch: The Final Batch is the end product resulting from the complete mixing and processing of all raw materials, including the Master Batch. It is in this phase that the rubber compound achieves its desired properties, such as strength, flexibility, durability, and other performance characteristics. The accurate incorporation of the Master Batch into the Final Batch ensures that the desired compound specifications are met consistently. This is crucial for meeting industry standards, customer requirements, and ensuring that the rubber product performs as intended in various applications.

In summary, the Master Batch streamlines the compounding process by providing a standardized blend of raw materials, while the Final Batch represents the fully compounded rubber product that exhibits the desired properties. Together, these components play a pivotal role in ensuring the efficiency, consistency, and high-quality performance of rubber compounds in diverse industrial applications.

Distinct Technology Advantages in Rubber Compounding:

  • More Homogeneous Compound: Intermeshing type Intermixers offer a significant advantage over Conventional Kneaders by ensuring a more homogeneous mixing of compounds. This leads to a uniform distribution of raw materials and additives, resulting in improved product consistency and quality.
  • Consistent Quality and Less Variation: The integration of Individual Systems into a Centralized Controlling System brings consistency to the compounding process. By controlling factors such as time, electricity, temperature, inputs, pressure, and RPM, manufacturers can reduce variations in the final product, ensuring a higher level of quality and meeting specific performance criteria.
  • Economical Running Intermixer: The efficiency of online mixing in Intermixers makes them more economical to run compared to other methods. By optimizing the mixing process and reducing material waste, manufacturers can achieve cost savings and higher production throughput.
  • Fully Computerized SPC Management: The integration of a fully computerized Statistical Process Control (SPC) management system allows for real-time monitoring and data analysis of various process variables. By continuously analyzing data, manufacturers can identify trends, deviations, and potential issues promptly, leading to better process control and further improving product consistency and quality.

In conclusion, the adoption of intermeshing type Intermixers, centralized controlling systems, ERP technology, and computerized SPC management brings numerous advantages to rubber compounding. These advancements result in a more homogeneous compound, consistent quality with reduced variation, economical operation, and enhanced process identification and traceability. By leveraging these technologies, rubber companies can achieve higher efficiency, better control, and ultimately deliver superior rubber products to meet the demands of various industries.