Reclaim Rubber

Features of Reclaim Rubber: Eco-Friendly, Cost-Effective, and Versatile Solution

Reclaim Rubber, a sustainable alternative to virgin rubber, offers numerous advantages that align with the growing demand for eco-friendly and cost-effective solutions. At Dolfin Rubbers Limited, we take pride in offering various types of reclaim rubber, including WTR, Butyl, EPDM, and Chlorobutyl, that cater to diverse industries. Discover the benefits of reclaim rubber and its significant impact on reducing the carbon footprint while meeting your manufacturing requirements.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: Reclaim rubber is sourced from recycled rubber materials, including post-consumer waste and end-of-life rubber products. By reusing discarded rubber, this eco-friendly approach minimizes waste, conserves resources, and contributes to a circular economy.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Adopting reclaim rubber reduces the overall carbon footprint of your manufacturing process. The recycling and reclamation process require less energy compared to producing virgin rubber, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: One of the key advantages of reclaim rubber is its cost-effectiveness. As a recycled material, reclaim rubber offers significant cost savings over using virgin rubber compounds, making it an economical choice for various applications.
  • High Quality and Performance: Our reclaim rubber undergoes stringent quality control to ensure consistent performance and adherence to industry standards. It retains essential properties of virgin rubber, providing reliable performance in a wide range of applications.
Applications of Reclaim Rubber

Reclaim rubber is used in various end products including tires, mats, hose, conveyor belts, seals, gaskets & many other rubber industries. Offering reliable performance while supporting sustainability initiatives.

Types of Reclaim Rubber

Butyl Reclaim Rubber

Features of Butyl Rubber Reclaim
  • Environmental Conservation: Butyl Rubber Reclaim is an eco-conscious choice as it involves recycling and reusing discarded butyl rubber materials. By repurposing waste rubber, this process minimizes the amount of rubber ending up in landfills, contributing to environmental conservation.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: The production of Butyl Rubber Reclaim requires significantly less energy compared to manufacturing new rubber compounds from scratch. This reduction in energy consumption helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, supporting efforts to combat climate change.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Butyl Rubber Reclaim offers cost savings over using virgin rubber compounds. Its reusability allows businesses to minimize production costs while benefiting from sustainable practices.
  • High-Quality Performance: Butyl Rubber Reclaim retains its excellent properties and performance characteristics. This makes it a reliable choice for various applications, providing a balance between sustainability and uncompromised functionality.
Application of Butyl Rubber Reclaim

Butyl Reclaim Rubber is widely used in the production of inner tubes for automotive and bicycle tires, offering excellent gas impermeability and sealing properties, making it a preferred choice for airtight applications.

Whole Tyre Reclaim Rubber (WTR)

Features of Whole Tyre Reclaim (WTR)
  • Environmental Sustainability: WTR Reclaim is sourced from recycled tire rubber, promoting eco-conscious practices and waste reduction.
  • Superior Elasticity and Resilience: It exhibits outstanding durability and performance, making it ideal for tire manufacturing and other applications requiring elasticity.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: As a recycled material, WTR Reclaim offers significant cost savings without compromising on quality, making it an attractive option for sustainable manufacturing.
  • Versatile Applications: WTR Reclaim performs reliably across various industries and products, ensuring versatility and consistent performance in diverse applications
Application of Whole Tyre Reclaim Rubber

Whole Tyre Reclaim Rubber is commonly used in the manufacturing of various rubber products, including automotive tires, rubber mats, conveyor belts, and industrial products, providing cost-effective solutions with high elasticity and resilience.

Epdm Reclaim Rubber

Features of EPDM Reclaim Rubber
  • Sustainable Material: EPDM Reclaim Rubber is sourced from recycled EPDM rubber, promoting environmental sustainability and waste reduction.
  • Weather Resistant: It exhibits excellent resistance to weather elements, including UV rays and extreme temperatures, making it suitable for outdoor applications.
  • Consistent Performance: EPDM Reclaim Rubber delivers reliable and consistent performance across a wide range of industries and applications.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: As a recycled material, EPDM Reclaim Rubber offers cost savings without compromising on quality, making it an economical choice for manufacturers.
Application of EPDM Reclaim Rubber

EPDM Reclaim Rubber is utilized in various applications, including roofing materials, gaskets, wire insulation, and automotive components, offering a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative with reliable performance.

Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber

Features of Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber
  • Sustainable Material: Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber is sourced from recycled chlorobutyl rubber, promoting environmental sustainability and waste reduction.
  • Chemical Resistance: It exhibits high resistance to various chemicals and corrosive substances, making it suitable for applications requiring chemical resistance.
  • Excellent Gas Impermeability: Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber offers exceptional gas impermeability, making it ideal for applications in automotive inner tubes, tire liners, and other products requiring airtight properties.
  • Durable and Resilient: It provides excellent durability and resilience, ensuring reliable performance and extended product lifespans.
Application of Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber

Chlorobutyl Reclaim Rubber finds application in various industries, including automotive, pharmaceutical, and chemical, for manufacturing products like inner tubes, tire liners, tank linings, and closures that require superior gas impermeability and chemical resistance.